How Setting an Example Began
Setting an Example was founded to promote mentoring for youth of all ages. We believe every day is an opportunity to be both a role model and a mentor.
SAE began in Atlantic Beach, FL when Zoe Mignone decided to focus her years of mentoring, leadership, and service into her passion for working with children. Zoë made connections with the City of Jacksonville to secure the use of an indoor aquatics center. This allowed SAE to start a team of extraordinary kids who train for triathlons and 5Ks, fundraise to help other charitable organizations, learn valuable life lessons, and volunteer their time to help their community.
With the help of our volunteer coaches, Setting an Example is growing rapidly! We are already starting the process of expanding our organization. We are establishing SAE programs in new locations. It is our goal to expand the program to communities and schools throughout the US to give youth opportunities that they may not have had before while also teaching them how they can give back.
The success of the program depends largely on the enthusiasm, dedication, and drive of not only the participants but the mentors as well. We look forward to a bright future with the successful development of SAE chapters and clubs across the nation.